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Mizuno Infinity Run

After a week of having graced my first 15k run, I was back again on the road for another 9.375 miles. So in just a span of one week, I am already off to breaking my first 15k PR.

Mizuno Infinity run would've been my first run for 2010, and I might have just ran the 10k for this event if it weren't re-scheduled from January 10, 2010. So the re-scheduling has been a good leap for my preparation runs for the upcoming TBR Dream Marathon.

As compared to the previous 15k run I had a week before, my heart is much calmer this time. I know it is just my second time running a 15k distance but it seems that my body has already accustomed with the race distance. It was unlike my first time runs and my come back runs where my heart pumps so much that it makes me nervous even a few days before the race starts.

Getting darker and darker from the weekly runs.

As the race starts, I was off without much hurry and without my adrenaline pumping out that have previously led me into a sudden burst of speed from the starting line up to a few meters ahead. Having some photovendo shots on my previous race also helped me realize that I couldn't maintain the proper running form for a longer period. That has been evident on the Globe run for Home where I thought that I was only striking the balls of my feet on the ground, but the photos shows that I did some heel-striking when I was already speeding some few hundred meters away from the finish line.

So from the start and until I ended the whole race, my mind is set on maintaining the proper running form. It is not because I want to look good, and not even for the sake of JUST following what's right in running. It is because I know that in the long run, improper foot landing leads to greater injury, if not now, maybe when I get older. And I don't want that to happen since I want to keep on running, even when I'm already in my 70s and 80s of age.

One of Running Atom's fans, lol!

Upon finishing the race, I was amazed that I was able to beat my previous 15k PR, and what's more surprising is that I was not as exhausted as I was at the Globe run for Home.

Irish and officemate Jen pausing under the Mizuno swelas

The famous Sir Rene who keeps on inspiring us.

 I like the Mizuno finisher's shirt's cooling effect.

Race Profile:
Distance: 15 km.
Official Time: 01:15:18
Official Ranking: 58th out of 891 overall 15k runners

Race Info:
When: Apr. 11, 2010.
Where: Fort Bonifacio Global City, Taguig
Event: Mizuno Infinity Run 2010

You may download the official race results here.


  1. PEDO!! Apir!

    Kailangan ko bumilis, lintek! back to 10k training :) for me and 15k.

  2. @kassy, apir my friend :)
    just keep on training. So proud of you on your half-mary at the Greenfield City

  3. @Minnie, I'm already inspiring you ;)
    I know you can already do it... just don't be afraid!

  4. I am not afraid Pedz, I am LAZZZYYY!!!

  5. well then, don't be lazy MinnieRunner :)

  6. I appreciate it very much, at least I know from it someone is reading the contents I have here.


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