Tuesday, March 18, 2025

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  • Racing Like A Rat
    Jun 15, 20112 Comments

    (A quarter-year late story) There are chances on my running days when either I don't feel at my best or I don't feel like running at all. When I hit ...

  • Sardines In Red Orange Sauce
    Oct 27, 20112 Comments

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  • Best 'PR' at The Rock
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    Eternal Flame of Freedom Before the year 2010 ends with a bang, the last race I joined for this year ended very well with a great fire on my legs, a...

  • Global Run, Global Fun
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  • Dead After The Sunset
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  • Rockin' Rainin'
    Jun 20, 201017 Comments

    Just yesterday after the sunset, I raced an unexpected run. I did not register, but I'm not also a bandit. I ran for a friend who registered but was n...

  • Merrell Adventure Run 2011
    Jun 25, 20116 Comments

    On this race, I had my revenge... I reclaimed the victory, and it was indeed a great, real trail-running experience! Comparing to last year's Merr...

  • We're Taking It Higher... Longer... Harder
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  • Race for Life, A Podium Finish
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  • Bad Days or Bad Race
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  • A Priceless Podium Finish
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  • 2011 RunningAtom's Race Schedule
    Jan 01, 201111 Comments

    The year 2010 has just ended, and my 2010 race schedule has been greatly filled for, with much of good memories to cherish, gained friends, joined gro...

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  • A First Official Trail Run
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Milo Apex Season 7: Week 1 at a Glance

For the past few months, I have been slacking-off from blogging in general, and from joining races. Thankfully though, I haven't been a couch-potato during these times. I just feel that I need to allot and give more attention to training and stop doing races without training, or making the race itself as my training -- which all gives me frustrating results (like what happened in my recent races like the Merrell Adventure Run 4, World Vision Run 2013, 37th Milo Eliminations, and Safeguard-2XU Leg2).

I know I'm getting old, but I don't even want this age to be my excuse for not doing better on things that I know I can still be great about in my own way. So to turn the table around, I decided to get involve in Professional training (not just solely relying on one's experience and planting those experiences to other people) without the long-term contract and that which can motivate me to stay on track.

The first thing that came to my mind was a Running Clinic which I can attend to regularly, or get a Running Coach to personally train me.

Practically, it was still the Milo APEX Running School that is more suited to what I am looking for. The training is scientific, with knowledgeable and certified Coaches and Personal therapists, only costs a fraction than getting a personal trainer, lasts only about 3-months than enrolling on a gym, a closer location from the apartment, and workouts are varying with focus not just about running in general, but as well as on injury prevention, full body strength and conditioning, and also on recovery needs.

The training started last September 9 and is ongoing three times a week. With the knowledge and training that I'm getting, I felt the need to share our workouts and give people a glimpse of what we are doing. Although just reading our workout itineraries will not be enough (because at most, I cannot provide photos of each of our sessions, no illustrations of each workout may also be provided), this will at least serve as my reference guide in the future or as a reference for those doing at-home workouts.

So, here's a glance of the full first week for Season 7:

1st Day (Session #1):

The first day began with a fitness test workout (I wasn't able to take note of the warm-up and cooldown sessions) to check our current fitness level. I figured, this will be used as reference at the end of the season to see if we have improved.

Warmup Run:
2-km run from apartment to Quezon Memorial Circle

Fitness Test Workout:
Each workout will have to be done 1-minute each in one (1) complete circuit set.
  1. Crunches
  2. Push-ups
  3. Squats
  4. Mountain climber with push-ups
  5. Single-leg kicking lunges with resistance band (30-sec each leg)
  6. Triceps dip
  7. Back-extensions
  8. Alternating toe touches
  9. Pelvic tilt
  10. Plank
  • 2-km race pace going home
  • Static stretching cooldown (20-counts per stretch)

2nd Day (Session #2):

Warmup Run:
2-km run from apartment to Quezon Memorial Circle

Warm-up Exercises:
  1. Alternating toe touches
  2. Round-the-clock lunges
  3. Skip and kick
  4. Shoulder rotation
  5. Head rotations
Main Workout:
Like the first day, these workouts were done in 1-minute each for two (2) complete circuit set.
  1. Theraband lateral lunge
  2. TRX Suspension transverse lunges
  3. Two-arms rope wave
  4. Two-arms alternating rope wave
  5. Medicine ball Russian twists/obliques
  6. Forward in-out ladders
  7. Sideward in-out ladders
  8. Theraband deadlift-to-overhead-and-upper-back pull
  9. Side lunges
  10. Stability ball rollouts
  11. Ladder high-knees
Run workout:
  • 20-minutes relax pace run
  • 2-km race pace going home
  • Static stretching cooldown (20-counts per stretch)

3rd Day (Session #3):
  • Weekend LSD run
The usual weekend session (every Saturday) would be a long easy mileage run, and for this session, it was an LSD around UP Diliman area. I did not attend the LSD as I was with the PhilSky (Philippine SkyRunning Association) group for our Mt. Maculot Training Run -- which is a requirement for applicants like me. ;)

1 comment:

  1. Pre, may tanong pala ako, pano ka na aprove sa google adsense


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